- Don’t panic but file as soon as possible. If you owe money the quicker you file your return, the less penalties and interest you will have to pay.
- E-file is still your best option. IRS e-file programs are available for most taxpayers through the extension deadline – October 15, 2012.
- Pay as much as you are able. Taxpayers who owe tax should pay as much as they can when they file their tax return, even if it isn’t the total amount due, and then apply for an installment agreement to pay the remaining balance.
- Installment Agreements are available. Request a payment agreement with the IRS.
- Penalties and interest may be due. Taxpayers who missed the filing deadline may be charged a penalty for filing after the due date. Filing as soon as possible will keep this penalty to a minimum. And, taxpayers who did not pay their entire tax bill by the due date may be charged a late payment penalty. The best way to keep this penalty to a minimum is to pay as much as possible, as soon as possible. Although it cannot waive interest charges, the IRS will consider reductions in these penalties if you can establish a reasonable cause for the late filing and payment.
- Refunds may be waiting. Taxpayers should file as soon as possible to get their refunds. Even if your income is below the normal filing requirement, you may be entitled to a refund of taxes that were withheld from your wages, quarterly estimated payments or other special credits. You will not be charged any penalties or interest for filing after the due date, but if your return is not filed within three years you could forfeit your right to the refund.
for an experienced and licensed by IRS tax preparer? As always we are available
to help. For no obligation free consultation contact us today!
free 866-936-0430
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