Wednesday, September 5, 2012

QuickBooks for Nonprofit

ABA Tax Accounting | QuickBooks Nonprofit Edition

QuickBooks Accounting - QuickBooks Nonprofit Edition is an all-in-one solution recommended to help nonprofits easily show accountability to the Board of Directors. QuickBooks Nonprofit Edition is recommended if your work involves charity, religious, human service, arts, education, or other tax-exempt groups.

Key Advantages:
  • Nonprofit Edition organizes your financial information the way your Board of Directors, donors, and the IRS want to see it.
  • Automatically track your organization's finances with the Nonprofit Chart of Accounts as you enter donations, fund programs, and pay bills. Plus, create a budget automatically.
  • Finish basic accounting tasks faster. Get direct access to bills, bank accounts, pledges, donations, vendors, and reports from the new simplified Home Page.
  • Streamline donation processing and fundraising. Turn pledge forms into thank you letters and receipts with just a few clicks. See contact information, pledge status and contribution history for any donor at a glance in the new Customer Center.
  • Generate any of the 8 nonprofit-specific reports with one click.
  • Start fast and get help when you need it, with in-product Help focused on nonprofit-specific issues, built-in tutorials and FREE QuickBooks callback support for 30 days following registration.

For no obligation free consultation contact us today!
612-282-3200 Toll Free (866) 936-0430

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