Thursday, February 21, 2013

ABA Tax Accounting | Payroll Service

ABA Tax Accounting | Payroll Service | St. Paul, MN Accounting Firm

What constitutes a trade or business expenses

Small Business Accounting  - what must a taxpayer show in order to treat expenditure as a deductible trade or business expense? In order to deduct expenditure as a trade or business expense, generally taxpayers must show:
• The existence of a trade or business;
• A sufficient connection between the expenditure and the trade or business;
• That the expenditure was ordinary and necessary for the trade or business;
• That the expense was incurred while the taxpayer was “carrying on the trade or business”; and
• That the expenditure does not violate a specific public policy limitation.

Considering a Tax Professional? For no obligation free consultation contact us today!
866-936-0430 Toll Free

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