Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Penalty for failure to file partnership returns is increased for inflation

Any partnership that fails to file a timely return or fails to provide the information required  by Code Sec. 6031 is liable for a monthly penalty equal to $195 times the number of persons who were partners during any part of the tax year, for each month or fraction of a month for which the failure continues. No penalty can be assessed if it is shown that the failure is due to reasonable cause.

New Law. Under the 2014 Achieving a Better Life Act (ABLE Act), for any return required  to be filed  in a calendar year beginning after 2014, the $195 dollar amount will be increased by the dollar amount multiplied by the cost-of-living adjustment determined under Code Sec. 1(f)(3) determined by substituting calendar year 2013 for calendar year 1992 in Code Sec. 1(f)(3)(B), and rounded down to the next multiple of $5. (Code Sec. 6698(e) as amended by 2014 ABLE Act §208(d)DivB) To view our YouTube video click here

If you would like more details about this decision or any other aspect of the S corporation law, please do not hesitate to contact.
Amare Berhie, Senior Tax Accountant

(651) 621-5777, (952) 583-9108, (612) 224-2476, (763) 269-5396

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